Rental Beast

How to create a CMA

Help Article: How to create a CMA.

Perform a CMA

  1. Go to the “Search” tab. 
  2. Click “Clear” to remove any previous criteria.
  3. Add in the location (zip code, city or town) bedroom, bathroom, property or unit amenities and any other filters you would like to generate the CMA on. You can even search for rental listings and listings rented within a certain date range. 
  4. Once your filters have been completed, click the “Search” button. Any listing(s) that matches your filtered criteria will be returned. 
  5. Once your results are generated you can click the tab you would like to view your results in.
  6. You can select listing(s) by clicking the checkmark box next to the listing address. If you want to select the entire page, click the checkmark box above “clear”. 
  7. After selecting your listings, click the graph icon from the toolbar above your search results.
  8. You will be brought to a new tab and your CMA report will be generated for only the listing(s) you have selected.

Finding Subject Property Listing Comparables 

  1. Go to the “Search” tab. 
  2. Click “Clear” to remove any previous criteria.
  3. Add in any filters comparable to the subject property such as location (zip code, city or town) bedroom, bathroom, Leased Date range and any other filters.
  4. Once your filters have been completed, click the “Search” button. Any listing(s) that matches your filtered criteria will be returned. 
  5. Once your results are generated you can click the tab you would like to view your results in.
  6. You can select listing(s) by clicking the checkmark box next to the listing address. If you want to select the entire page, click the checkmark box above “clear”. 
  7. After selecting your listings, click the graph icon from the toolbar above your search results.
  8. You will be brought to a new tab and your CMA report will be generated for only the listing(s) you have selected.

Finding Comparable Rental Listings Leased Within a Certain Date Range

  1. Go to the “Search” tab. 
  2. Click “Clear” to remove any previous criteria.
  3. Change “Status” to “Rented”
  4. Click “Advanced Search” and locate the Leased Info section. This is where you will input the date range you want to see leased properties from. 
  5. Once your filters have been completed, click the “Search” button. Any listing(s) that matches your filtered criteria will be returned. 
  6. Once your results are generated you can click the tab you would like to view your results in.
  7. You can select listing(s) by clicking the checkmark box next to the listing address. If you want to select the entire page, click the checkmark box above “clear”. 
  8. After selecting your listings, click the graph icon from the toolbar above your search results.
  9. You will be brought to a new tab and your CMA report will be generated for only the listing(s) you have selected.

Note: Default listings status for search is “Active” and “Application Pending”. If you are performing a CMA on rented properties, you must change the status filter to “Rented”.

Print the CMA

  1. Using the “Perform a CMA” instructions, run your desired CMA. 
  2. To print this report click the print icon to the top right of your screen. Follow the on-screen prompts.