From city hall to the state house to the U.S. Capitol, elected officials are making decisions that have a huge impact on the bottom line of REALTORS® and their customers.
- What would happen to the real estate market in your commmunity if the mortgage deduction was eliminated from the tax code?
- What would happen if your customers were unable to afford the property insurance they needed to qualify for a mortgage?
Now more than ever, it is critical for you and other REALTORS® across America to come together and speak with one voice about the stabilizing impact a sound and dynamic real estate market brings to our communities.
Text "App" to 30644 and download the REALTOR® Action Center mobile app. This mobile app contains a host of features to help you vote, act, and invest while on the go:
- REALTOR® Party Tracker: Learn how your state and local associations are using NAR programs to build political strength in your own backyard. Find out what tools and programs NAR is providing your association and how much money those programs cost.
- Advocacy Reports: Track how your state and local associations are doing in terms of their addvocacy efforts.
- Action Profiles: The app will contain a summary of your REALTOR® Party engagement. A list of open action items, actions you have already taken, your current year's RPAC investment amount, and more.
- Mobile Advocacy: When there is a Call for Action, you will receive a standard push notification alerting you. The new mobile action alert format will make your participation a snap, with no forms to fill out and shorter, easier summaries of the issue and why your action is important.
- Surveys: Take important REATLOR® Party surveys on your phone.
- Invest in RPAC: Through the REALTOR® Party mobile app you can easily make an investment in RPAC on your mobile phone. To help you plan your investment amount, your action profile displays your total amount invested year to date.
Together, as the REALTOR® Party, we can make partisan politics a thing of the past and create our own brand of leadership. The REALTOR® Party is a powerful alliance of REALTORS® and REALTOR® Associations representing your interests and working to protect and promote homeownership and property investment.
For more information, go to RealtorActionCenter.com®.