Angel Tree includes Families in Need

Supporting the Angel Tree is a heart-warming holiday tradition for many GAAR Members. Traditionally, we've provided gifts for Title 1 homeless students, but this year, more families than ever are facing financial hardships and so we are adding them to our list. The lack of school services, meals and the additional chaos created by COVID-19 has left many children and their families in dire circumstances.

Late Thursday, we were asked to help 3 additional families so if you didn't have a chance to help earlier, here is another opportunity. We've extended the deadline to Monday, December 14th.

You can 'electronically' adopt a family or donate online for the purchase of gift cards that a family can use for groceries. Our goal is to provide each of these families with needed items and a minimum $50 gift card for groceries. Besides items listed for each person, other appreciated items include hygiene products such as shampoo, conditioner, soap, toothpaste, toothbrushes, deodorant, lotion, etc., Also, gift cards for fast food restaurants are appreciated as many of these families may be living in motels.

If your brokerage or office has not adopted a family and you are able to help CLICK HERE for details. You can view the families & request details via email. 

Extended deadline to drop-off unwrapped items:  Monday, December 14th

We appreciate your generosity this holiday season.

For more on Albuquerque Public Schools Homeless Project, click here.