How far does $100 go in New Mexico?

By Mike English, Assistant Editor for Albuquerque Business First:

How far does $100 go? A new map from the Tax Foundation, using data from the Bureau of Economic Analysis, answers that question state by state — including for New Mexico.

Turns out you get a decent bang for your buck in the Land of Enchantment, according to a story in mental_floss that features the map. New Mexicans get $105.49 of spending power for $100 compared to the national average.

That's better than neighboring Colorado, where you lose a small bite out of your $100 just by living there — a C-note is worth $98.43 in the Centennial State.

That $100 bill is worth $101.94 in Arizona and $103.63 in Texas.

In Mississippi, your $100 can buy $115.74 worth of whatever you want relative to the national average. In general, Midwestern and Southern states give the most bang for the $100 bucks, while states in the Northeast, California and Hawaii are hardest on that Benjamin.

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