The Bernalillo County Treasurer's Office plays a crucial role in managing the financial affairs of the county government and ensuring the efficient and effective use of public funds. One of those aspects vital to a member's business is collecting property taxes and maintaining those records.
Join us for a special presentation with the Bernalillo County Treasurer's Office when they review how to navigate their new website and available resources.
Insider Tips on the Bern Co Treasurer's Website
Wednesday, March 20th
Click to access the presentation materials
Madame Treasurer Nancy Bearce
Elected as the first Hispanic woman to serve as Bernalillo County Treasurer, Bearce is in her second term and 8th year overseeing investment policies and a $1 Billion portfolio. A long-time public servant, she previously worked for the Human Services Department, General Services Department, and Albuquerque Public Schools. Nancy and her husband have been long-time residents in southeastern Albuquerque where they advocated to rename the area the “International District” (ID) in the early 2000s to reflect the diversity of their community. The ID remains the only “community of interest” having the name memorialized at the State, County, and City levels. Nancy earned her Bachelor’s of Liberal Studies from the University of Louisville.
Ryan Travelstead
Serving as Deputy Treasurer, Ryan oversees the County’s investment portfolios, finance, and information technology-related areas in the Treasurer’s Office. A 16-year employee for Bernalillo County, he previously worked in the Finance/Accounting Department. Born and raised in Roswell, he graduated from New Mexico State University. Ryan is a long-time skateboarder, avid cyclist, and a mediocre woodworker.
Sid Duran
A long-time employee in the Treasurer’s Office, Sid has worked on most of the Treasurer's work teams and earned the title of Compliance Officer. He is a native indigenous New Mexican, married to his high school sweetheart, and a proud father of four children.
Tiffany Stevens
One of the newest additions to the Treasurer's Team, Tiffany serves as the Administrative Support Assistant Lead. Prior, she was in Community Health and a community organizer. Tiffany currently serves as Vice President on the Indivisible Albuquerque Board and lives in the International District with her family and three pups.