REALTORS® Against Crime Recap

Last week, APD's Sargeant Trish Hoffman gave REALTORS® a crash course on personal safety and self-defense.

Entertaining and enlightening,  Sgt. Hoffman had a lot of great advice. The top take-aways from here mini self-defense training:

1. Always be aware of your surroundings. Don't be caught off guard.

2. Walk with confidence and purpose. You will be less likely to be a target.

3. Carry items in your weak hand (i.e. keys and purse in your left hand if you are right-handed). This will give you a better chance to fight off an attacker.

4. Have a survivor's mentality. Know that you will fight back and WIN if attacked. 

5. Only carry a weapon you are willing to use. In other words, if you are not willing to shoot someone, you might want to think twice about carrying a gun. The same goes for any weapon. If you are reluctant to use a weapon, it is more likely to be used against you during an attack.

6. Finally, know how you will defend yourself. Running away is always your top priority, but you need to have a plan if that's not an option. Sgt. Hoffman highly recommends taking a self-defense course, not just to learn self-defense techniques, but to be able to practice them as well.

Sargeant Hoffman offers her free self-defense courses twice a year, but there is a waiting list.  The next session is in 2016 and you can click here to register. 

In addition to Sgt. Trish Hoffman's popular Women Against Crime self-defense class, you can also find self-defense classes at UNM, CNM and at private martial arts studios and gyms.