Signing Up For A Realtor.Com® Account
  1. Hover your mouse over the Sign in/Sign up link in the upper right corner on the homepage of® and select the Agent Sign Up link at the bottom of the dropdown menu.

    Or, you can go directly to and Click the Sign Up link.

  2. Enter your agent email address, a new password to use when logging into your Agent Control Panel and a contact phone number then click the Continue button.

  3. Select the state that your MLS is located in from the dropdown menu, select the name of your MLS from the dropdown menu, enter your MLS agent ID and enter your name then click theNext button.

  4. Review the Terms and Conditions and click “I accept” to continue.

  5. A message will appear prompting you to enter your NRDS ID. The NRDS ID is critical to claiming your profile on®.