Staff Serves in National Guard Mission at U.S. Capitol

Adrian Reyes,  SWMLS Support Coordinator is a member of the New Mexico Army National Guard and was attached to Bravo Company 1-200th INF out of Rio Rancho in support of Task Force Capitol Response. On the evening of January 12th, Adrian was called to begin the mobilization process the following morning.  Days later he was on a plane to Washington D.C.

"I’m so sorry for the short (no) notice before heading out on, yet another, mission. Especially to my amazing team, I’m so sorry for the lack of notice!

I do truly appreciate everyone’s support. Coming back is always such a blessing, as I’m always welcomed with open arms and gratitude.

Not every one of you is on social media, so I wanted to share the experience with you all. 

Don’t believe everything you see on the media (of course). We were VERY well taken care of. The cold was a major concern heading into the mission and they ensured that we were well prepared with the proper gear/protective equipment. When we weren’t on shift we stayed in the AC Marriott Hotel. Very nice. Very modern. I had a room with two queen-sized beds all to myself. The locals of D.C. took care of us. Fed us. Kept bringing us hot coffee, hot chocolate, and hot soup. And lavished us with praise and gratitude.

Did we sleep in the Capitol building? Yes, but only when taking a break while on shift. Those garages and rooms filled with Joes laying on their gear were staging areas. When we weren’t needed on-line, but still needed to be available (on shift) we rested in those areas.

I can’t speak for Guardsmen from other states, but New Mexico Army (and Air) National Guards took great care of their people.

It was an incredible experience under bad circumstances. I’m proud to have been a part of keeping the peace and protecting our Constitution.

Enjoy the pictures and videos and feel free to ask me any questions. Hooah!!"