Take Action: City Councilors set to vote on Mandatory Sick Leave tonight.
Small Businesses Need YOUR Help!

TAKE ACTION: Speak Up and Email City Councilors!

Text 'JOBLESS' to 52886

Click Here & TAKE ACTION!

Albuquerque City Council has rescheduled their vote on mandatory sick leave until Monday, December 7, 2020.

We NEED everyone to take action and message the city council before then.

With over 100,000 people on unemployment and businesses having to take the painful step of laying off their employees the week before Thanksgiving, the City Council should reconsider the timing of this ordinance. It will be difficult for businesses to reopen when the Governor finally allows it, much less rehiring all of their employees with more burdens on their payroll. 

The letter in the link is pre-written for you, but it’s always better to personalize it with your own words, even if it’s just the first paragraph.

If this is important to you, your business, and your clients, please participate and please encourage your clients to participate. We can win this again, but you need to take action NOW!