Rental Beast

Save a search

Help Article: How to Save a Search.

Save a Search

  1. Go to the “Search” Tab.
  2. Click clear to remove any previous criteria .
  3. Fill in the appropriate fields to run a search for listings.
  4. Click the “Search” button to generate your search results.
  5. After your results have been displayed below, click the floppy disc icon.
  6. You will be prompted to type a shortcut name into the box that appears.
  7. Click the “+New Search” button to save your search.
  8. Your Saved search will appear in a field to the left.

Load A Search

  1. Go to the “Search” tab
  2. Click the floppy disc icon.
  3. When the box appears, find the name of your saved search and click the check mark next to it
  4. Make any new additions to your previously saved search, or simply click the “Search” button.