In the first week of August, Flexmls will implement multiple field changes requested by SWMLS. The implemented changes are not major and fall into the category of clean-up changes as SWMLS continues to align with industry standards.
Land Field Changes: Tuesday, August 1st
Under Land Property Type ONLY
Deleted Fields
- Title Evidence
- Property Sub-Type (under Main Fields)
- Options (under Details)
New Fields
- May Subdivide
- Details > Type > Build to Suit and Build to Suit Only
New Field Descriptions
- Packages MLS # is now > Packages MLS# or UPC (constraint now at 200 characters)
Road Frontage and Surface Type: Wednesday, August 2nd
The following changes will make the fields consistent across all property types.
Deleted Fields
- Acc. To Prop Line
- General Access
- Property Access (except in Land Type with directional options)
New Fields
HOA Changes: Monday, August 7th
Under Residential and Land Property Types
Description Changes
- HOA changes to Association with Yes/No required field
- HOA Dues/Month changes to Association Dues/Month - auto-calculated based on Fee divided by Frequency
- HOA Mandatory changes to Association Mandatory required if Association is Yes
New Fields
- Association Fee required if Association is Yes
- Association Fee Frequency required if Association is Yes
- Association Name optional
- Association Phone optional
- Multiple Associations with Yes/No optional field