Help Stop Outrageous HOA Disclosure Fees!

Two years ago, the state passed the Home Owners Association Discloure Act. 

The purpose of the bill was to disclose HOA membership costs and other fees to buyers and potential buyers in the unregulated HOA industry.

The REALTORS® Association of New Mexico (RANM) and the Greater Albuquerque Association of REALTORS® (GAAR) are asking for your support of HB129, a bill that would cap the amount a Homeowners Association (HOA) can charge for the disclosure statements needed for the sale or potential sale of a property managed by an HOA.

Some professional HOA companies have taken advantage of the "reasonable fee" clause in the current HOA law and are charging exorbitant fees for documents that are readily available to home owners and/or potential buyers. This has been one of the biggest complaints lodged to RANM's Legal Hotline since the HOA bill was enacted.

This is a pro-consumer bill and simply caps the amount the HOA can charge to $150.

The bill is expected to be heard in the House Judicial Committee tomorrow (Wednesday, Feb. 10) and then could go to a floor vote.

By clicking on the link below you will send a pre-written message to your House representative asking for their support by voting YES when HB129 comes to a vote.

Click here to contact your legislator and show your support.