Active listings in SWMLS appear on hundreds of websites. Some are operated by SWMLS brokers (IDX) while some have direct agreements to display your listings (realtor.com). This article will highlight 4 of the top consumer real estate searches and show how to ensure that your listings are getting there from the first day on market. So, how do you get your listings on these websites?
Realtor.com , Zillow.com, Trulia.com (FLEX MLS)
To ensure that your listings are appearing on these three websites, your FLEX Listing Export options should match the image below. That means the first four boxes are unchecked and the Zillow/Trulia box is checked.
Homes.com (List Hub)
The FLEX export option alone will not get your listing on Homes.com. To ensure that your listing appears on Homes.com your office needs a Listhub account AND to ensure the FLEX Seller Opt Out fields are unchecked. If the QB at your office is already a Listhub subscriber, and has enabled the Homes.com channel, then you won’t have any additional steps to do for the listing to display on homes.com. It will happen automatically.
- If you are a QB who has created a new office recently you will want to ensure you have created a free broker Listhub account at www.listhub.com.
- If you are an agent at a small office (less than 3 agents) you might check with your QB to make sure they created your office Listhub account.
What if I don’t want to send my listings to Zillow?
The listing agent and seller always have the right to choose not to send their listings to any of the four sites mentioned above. Terms in the listing agrement may also indicate that the seller has opted out of marketing online. Because it is always a broker and sellers right to choose, SWMLS only sends listing that are broker opt-in. The image below shows the FLEX export options when a seller does not want their listing to display online. (Note: This will prevent the listing from appearing anywhere online and could only be viewed by a SWMLS member.)
Don’t forget about you.
As you can see it takes minimal effort to gain maximum exposure on some of the leading real estate searches. But don’t forget about you. To increase your visibility and promote your brand we suggest you create a free agent profile with your photo or logo on all four of these websites.