New Lockbox Field added to MLS system

Starting in February, you will be required to add your lockbox information directly to your listing during listing input.

The implementation of this new required field will make it so that almost 100% of listings in the MLS will have a lockbox assigned to them, which will make administration of the whole program much easier. Right now, only about 50% of listings have a lockbox assigned to them in the system.

Starting this week, you will notice a new field in the MLS system called “Lockbox No.” The field will not be required until the week of February 15, but is being added early to the system for testing purposes. When you are entering a new listing, if you are using a Supra lockbox on that listing, you will type in the serial no of that lockbox into the “Lockbox No.” field.

When this is fully implemented in February, you will no longer need to go into SupraWeb to assign lockboxes to your listings. The lockbox will be automatically assigned after you submit the listing. The serial no you enter in the listing will be sent to SupraWeb and will assign the lockbox automatically.

Even though the automatic assignment will not begin until February, it is recommended that you start putting your lockbox serial number into your listing input forms as soon as that field becomes available.