(2 min read)
Last week's Smart Growth class was jam-packed with new development ideas – and a lot of attendees!
Over 160 attendees participated in our first "Smart Growth for the 21st Century" class at the GAAR REALTOR® Building. In addition training from expert planner, Janet Tharp, attendees from GAAR, CARNM, HBACNM and the City of Albuquerque were treated to a special Albuquerque Smart Growth presentation from Mayor Berry as he shared his vision for growth in Albuquerque.
During the RECPAC* sponsored class, participants learned Smart Growth basic principles, how they apply our community's ABC-Z Comprehensive Plan, and how REALTORS® can advocate Albuquerque's development plan on behalf of their clients.
The first step to this advocacy is to understand and learn how to apply the 10 Smart Growth Principals:
- Mix land uses
- Take advantage of compact building design
- Create a range of housing opportunities and choices
- Create walkable neighborhoods
- Foster distinctive, attractive communities with a strong sense of place
- Preserve open space, farmland, natural beauty, and critical environmental areas
- Strengthen and direct development towards existing communities
- Provide a variety of transportation choices
- Make development decisions predictable, fair, and cost effective
- Encourage community and stakeholder collaboration in development decisions
The next steps in GAAR and CARNM's Smart Growth initiative is to:
- Learn more about the draft of the Albuquerque-Bernalillo County Zoning Comprehensive Plan (ABC-Z) by reviewing the latest revision online, attend a city meeting/presentation on the Comp Plan update this Thursday, Friday or Saturday, or sign up for updates from ABC-Z.
- Learn more about Smart Growth initiatives from the NAR Smart Growth Participants Guide, by visiting Smart Growth Online, Smart Growth America or from the EPA Smart Growth Initiative.
- Join other local REALTORS® in reveiwing, understanding and commenting on the ABC-Z Comprehensive Plan by emailing Eva Medcroft at eva@gaar.com.
Stay tuned for more information on Smart Growth and the development of the ABC-Z Comprehensive Plan.
*The Real Estate Community PAC (RECPAC) is a coalition between GAAR and CARNM.