CYA (Competency Yields Advantage) In Transitional Markets (In Person Only)

3 CE (Elective)

3 CE (Elective) 

Students will learn to evaluate each transaction independently, better explain the provisions of the contract and the reasons for due diligence, for the broker to complete an offer per the clients direction. Students should have a better understanding of how  to defend the actions of the broker to reduce liability, which ultimately better protects the consumer.

About your Instructor:

John Gillam, GSI / GSL (Gold Standard Instructor / Leader) and DREI Candidate, has been in real estate education since 2004. His experience began in pre-license in Colorado but quickly grew to offering and being an approved CE instructor throughout the United States. John has authored many courses, consults with real estate education providers and REALTOR Boards, and provides strategic planning /policy governance training / board orientations.  John also travels to provide workshop and conference breakout sessions, and main stage presentations for both the real estate industry as well as the inspection industry.


Wednesday, March 27, 2024
9:00 AM - 12:00 PM




0 Member Price
45 Non-Members


John Gillam
